January 24-29, 2021 Faith Baptist Church, Palm Bay, FL Our time at Faith Baptist Church in Palm Bay was so sweet. We had numerous opportunities to build relationships through various events throughout the week. On Sunday we had a couple of opportunities to connect with the teens. From the very first introduction to them in Sunday school, we saw a sweet spirit that was refreshing. On Sunday evening after the service, we had a teen activity which ended in one of the girls accepting Christ. It was a great way to begin the week! On Monday night, we had our first Ladies Night of the year. It was fun to see them laughing, talking, drinking coffee, eating chocolate, and designing their own coffee mugs! The team girls had the opportunity to minister in music, and Steph Coffey had the opportunity to share the gospel. On Tuesday night, we also had our first Men’s Night. There were a number of visitors that came and enjoyed the barbeque! They enjoyed bonding over good food, conversations, and the man quiz. Aaron then had the opportunity to share the gospel and several of the men responded on the response cards. We’re praying for the seeds that were sown on both evangelistic nights! We also did a Family Fun Night and an Irish Concert with the church. We always love being able to see church families have fun together and then also have a number of events to invite unsaved people to. Our team also enjoyed having fun together on Wednesday evening. We went crabbing the beach after the service and made some fun memories together. It was definitely a fun evening together and a tradition that will continue! January 31-February 5 Calvary Baptist Church, Cheraw SC After spending three weeks in the sunny state of Florida, we drove up to chilly South Carolina to minister at Calvary Baptist Church in Cheraw. We served in the church in services on Sunday-Wednesday. We enjoyed forming relationships with many people in the conversations before and after the services. We did something different with the children’s program this week. “Pilgrim’s Progress” was our theme for the week, and we talked through different questions and brought up points to discuss at the end of each evening. What a beautiful story of the Christian life. On Thursday evening, the church leadership held an outreach forum. The church provided a delicious meal, and then Riley and Aaron shared their burden for evangelism, what they do in the summer ministry that they oversee in Detroit. The deacons and Pastor then presented some ideas they had for outreach opportunities for their church and discussed these opportunities. It was a great week of unique and special ministry opportunities. February 7-12 Tri-City Baptist Church, Millbrook, AL We saw God work in some amazing ways while we were at Tri-City Baptist Church in Millbrook, AL. Our team experienced firsthand the blessing of God's sovereign plan for us. Our original plan was to serve in Macon, GA, but those meetings had to be postponed due to the church battling COVID. We asked the Lord what to do and where to go, and God redirected us to serve at Tri-City Baptist Church, the home church of three of our team members - Riley, Bethany, and Mike. As we were making plans to go to Alabama, Riley lost his grandmother. The Lord was clearly directing our steps to give the team the privilege of entering into his and his family's grief. The team was able to serve their family with music at the funeral and the graveside service. We then held services on Sunday and Monday. On Monday afternoon, we had the opportunity to go and canvass in the community near the church for the Cola War and Irish Concert that would happen later in the week. Tuesday evening we had a birthday party for Riley and Bethany and celebrated how much we love and appreciate them. It was unique and special that some of Riley’s family was able to be there and help us celebrate them! There was a local youth pastor, Jordan Dersch, who partnered with our ministry and was such a blessing to our team throughout the week. He provided several meals for us, and had many encouraging conversations. He then brought a number of teens from his youth group on Wednesday night for the Cola War. It was a fun night and a great time to connect with the kids. We saw God just provide for us in so many tangible ways during the week. God provided all our meals for us for the entire week, we didn’t have to figure out any meal at all! Then Riley’s dad helped by fixing different things on Aaron’s truck. It was just so neat to see God see our need and provide so clearly!
November 2024