Week two. Fresh off of a great week at Websterville, we travelled a few hours to Trinity Baptist in Williston, VT. Saturday set up went well, and were excited to see what God had in store for us during the week. Sunday morning, we were able to have a blast with the teens in Sunday School and Aaron preached to the adults. During the service, we were moved by the way the congregation was singing and worshipping. It really was a great start to the week.
As we drove through the mountainous terrain of Vermont, we couldn't help but be excited to see what God would do in our first full week of the semester. We arrived at Websterville Baptist just as a hard rain set in. After, getting everything set up, we were all soaked yet excited to see what God had in store. As we talked Pastor Brian Fecher, it was encouraging to see and hear his burden for his flock. Pastor Fecher continued to minister to our hearts through the week as did the church people.
January 2024